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Sunrise Tailoring Software

The best software for Tailoring Business

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Best Account Software With All Features

One stop software solution for Account Business with guaranteed satisfaction Take a trial before you buy, don’t miss!

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Best Account Software With All Features

One stop software solution for Account Business with guaranteed satisfaction Take a trial before you buy, don’t miss!

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Bar-code based Work Shop Management

It is recommended and useful when business is going to manage large number of orders, work allocation & completion transactions within production unit

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Stock statement / Inventory report

Date period wise stock statement contains opening stock, purchase quantity, sales quantity, closing stock. We can see stock statement by item code & name, by item type/category/brand/size

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Why Sunrise Hospital Management?

100% Customer Satisfaction, Reliable service, Timely support

Tested & Proven

Proven clinic management platform that has been implemented in reputable healthcare facilities. Backed with over 20 years of implementation experience is a clear choice.

Highly Scalable

Fulfil most of the requirements of hospitals and chain of clinics. Our solution grows with your business. As your business scale up, our solution can easily support it.

Ease of Use

Built with the customer needs in mind is easy to learn and use. Functions within the modules have been tailored to meet the needs of most hospitals.

Cost Effective

Subscription model removes the need for capital expenditure spending. No upfront total licence fee and minimal infra cost involved. We have an option for those that want to go one time licence fee too.

Need of Hospital Management Software

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Be part of the elite league! Embrace Sunrise Software, the trusted choice of 100+ forward-thinking companies.

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Enhanced safety and less manual entries, shorter wait times, and expanded pharmacy consultation services are anticipated to yield greater patient satisfaction. E-prescribing allows physicians to verify whether patients fill their prescriptions and counsel patients on medication management if they haven’t.

Everything is saved on the HIS systems cloud, and doctors can perform their routine tasks more smoothly. Systems capture billing data such as insurance payers and patient demographics also performs billing tasks, appointment scheduling, and report generation.

Manual setups are useful to some extent, but they require a lot of time in processing. Even if you take 100% care, there are always chances of errors due to the burden of work. Most of all HIS systems safe time and are capable of handling multiple tasks at a time.

Only authorized people can access the database. There are no chances of data being lost or destroyed as backup servers are always active. Advanced encryption algorithms are applied to HIS cloud computing, which increases the protection of privacy.

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